‘Meet the expert’ is a concept created by the chamber of commerce in Belgium to allow Belgian companies to discuss their plans and challenges and get tips and hints to expand their business to the Middle East/Gulf region.
Date: 18 September 2018
Place: Voka – Kamer van Koophandel Mechelen-Kempen
Onze-lieve-vrouwestraat 85
2800 Mechelen, Belgium
Your expert: Yasmine Fawaz – Founder and managing director of MEYALUX
Yasmine has 15 years professional experience in business consulting in the Middle EAST and Europe, Her expertise lies in market research, feasibility studies, strategy plans, locating investors and HR management. She has worked on many assignments in the Levant and the GCC region, this included: Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, United Arab Emarits and Qatar. She hold a masters in civil engineering from Damascus university and an MBA from Lancaster university management school in the UK.
For more information please contact:
Petra van Bouwelen
Tel: 015/45 10 20
Email: petra.vanbouwelen@voka.be
Link to register: https://www.voka.be/activiteiten/meet-expert-golfstaten-0